The purpose of this article is in regards to when you receive an email notification from the chatbot.
This happens when your client communicates with the chatbot via SMS and the system doesn´t understand the message sent by your customer. When this happens, the chatbot will trigger an automatic message known as 'Fallback'.
1. Example of a message that wasn't recognized by the chatbot:
2. At this moment, the Fallback message will be triggered to your customer. Remember that you can find this message in the Chatbot area of your account and you can customize it according to the information that you want to deliver to your customer.
3. When the Fallback message is triggered to your guest, at that moment you'll receive an e-mail just like the following example:
4. If you want to modify the e-mail where you receive these communications, go into your account Settings (upper right-hand corner of your account)
Then under "User Configuration" you'll find the area where you'll be able to change the address, just like in the following image.