You can make use of the following formatting guidelines to customize your automated messages.


We have 2 different ways to customize the automated messages. 

Method 1

1. Click on Automated Messages 

2. A dashboard with all your automated messages is going to appear, like this one:

3. What we have to do is to click in the yellow "Plus" button and select the option "Copy to products"

3. You have to select to which product you would like to copy. 

4. Select the product and click on "SAVE".

5. Then, in your menu you have to go to "Products"

6. Once in your product dashboard, you have to click on the "Bell" button of the product where you have copied the message. In this case was "Bright Lights & Broadway Bites Dessert Tour".

7. The message that you have copied it's going to appear in your product messages and then you can customize it by clicking on the "Pencil" button. Once you have done your changes be sure of clicking "SAVE". 

Method 2

1.  Once you are in your product messages (as in the last picture) you can select to "New Automated Message Product" to create a new customized message to your product.

2. Example: Creating a custom recommendation

You have to fill out the information as you like. You can suggest to your clients to book some of your other activities. You can list 1 or 2 options for them. Don't forget to include the URL where they can purchase your product

Related links

How to customize my tour messages